One Year Later: Navigating the Funeral Industry in 2021 Presented by LendingUSA

Coping Through COVID for Funeral Directors

Paycheck Protection Loan Information Presented by LiveOak Bank

Part 1: How to Nurture Your Business & Your Staff Through COVID-19

Part 2: How to Nurture Your Business & Your Staff Through COVID-19

Grieving Alone & Together

Supporting Your Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Helping Grieving Families During the Pandemic

A Brush With Death: Episode #9 - Embracing New Ideas in Times of Adversity

COVID-19: Live-Streaming Funerals During the Pandemic

COVID-19 & Finances: Ensuring Your Business Survives

A Brush With Death: Episode #8 - Embalming with COVID-19

Managing Your Staff During COVID- How Millennials Can Help

NFDA: Taking Care of Them, Taking Care of You

COVID-19: A Special Message from Wally Hooker, CFSP, MBIE

COVID-19: Communicating with the Public and Using Technology to Serve Families

COVID-19: A Conversation with the CDC

COVID-19: Practical Guidance for Funeral Directors
Coping Through COVID for Funeral Directors
2020 was a stress-filled year that has taken its toll on everyone, and funeral directors have been hit especially hard. We now have more than decades of research demonstrating that working in high-stress, trauma-exposed professions, such as funeral service, carries a risk to the staff. With COVID 19 still raging, it’s more important than ever to have the tools and resources to practice self-care so that you can best serve your client families. Our trainers will provide new ideas for strategies for increasing your health and resiliency while working during a pandemic in a high-stress field.
Key Takeaways:
Key Takeaways:
- Meditation tools you can use right now
- New ideas for coping strategies
- Mindful movements